Academy of Natural Therapy Policy and Procedures for the CARES Act

As a result of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the US government has made emergency funds available to students.  The Academy of Natural Therapy will administer those funds to students that have filled out the COVID-19 Certification form and are eligible.

It is the intent of the Academy of Natural Therapy to allow each student to answer the question of a changing family financial situation due to coronavirus which will make that student eligible to receive funds.  Based on students’ documented responses, we will calculate how many students indicate need and divide that number by the total amount of funds that are to be distributed to students.

This emergency student funding is only available to students that are enrolled as of 04/10/2020. Students on an Approved Leave of Absence are also allowed to participate in the survey and receive funds. The Academy of Natural Therapy believes this is the best way to distribute these funds and the most effective way to make sure that those that need help get it.  We will not discriminate in the disbursement of funds.

We will ask all students for a current address so the checks can be mailed to students.